MUAHAHA I BEG Upuan rahayu,puan vani,puan rohayah, puan rozana,puan aida,puan zuhana,en azrin,puan farah to give me good results.. haha so that i can get more money from my dad
DAY ONE half of the day, we're in the bus..traveling to Johor :] so here we go again, SS-ing 8D
then, here comes the PRYvert, phoonphoon2 :DD
thuthu,su & I *what are u doing su??-.-
& this is me, when i was half dead, tortured by the EVOS, su & phoon!
Elmo?8D hahah
bekerjasama playing with celyn's iPhone 8D
clarie and celyn's beautiful foots .___. hahah *they were siting infront of us..
ok. when we reached there, we checked in to the 'Tanjung Puteri Ressort', then go to our villas, then we SLEEEEEP..but,haha FYI, my room din sleep at all.. shhh!!;P after the nap, i think we went to celyn's villa to practice, then after practice, we went to sleep and.. deng deng deng deng.. DAY TWO COMPETITION DAY! we all woke up at 4.30? then get ready..get ready, went to celyn's villa & we had our last practice!.__.
me & emy, while others were busy getting
OK. So after we all were ready, we went to the hall.. we wait for our turn[4th team] & its...
omg omg. WE ROCKS!! after we walk out of the hall after singing, we all were jumping here and there, some even burst into tears. trust me, we really really were awesome!8D
i luv this picture! x3
after that we had a tea & we went into the hall again to watch the other teams (: they were all great. This year is more competitive than last year.. really.. and haha look at his make up, or infact.. their ;P
:D hehehe..
after that there was a break.. picture time?8D
look at this.. interesting :D
& 2
hahah Me & kahwei
after whole competition, we went back to our villa and REST. most of us went for a walk & watched our own performance that husniya's mum recorded.
the PIGGG!8D
after the long rest, we once again go to the ressort for the prize giving & dinner..
smileeee :DD
ok.. its the time where all of us were waiting for.. & we got.. 3rd TT SOB. we expected 1st or maybe 2nd the most..cause we really were very good. but nvm la, as long as we did our best :D Penang got 1st & Sabah got 2nd..
on the way back to our villa..
& in the villa..
after taking bath..etc etc, we went to celyn's villa & watch the video again.. and look at celyn,xuan & shasha when they gone high singing phantom of the opera 8D
DAY 3 we packed and left the ressort. we went to Ayer hitam for a short visit..
that place is kinda disgusting.. look carefully at this picture, its tadpoles and the skinny lines are worms .___. EW
then after that,we left johor and head back to KL.
haha.. thuthu was the one who was speaking on the phone, me & becky were acting like her 8D
similar spots: glasses, eating, cell phones & happy :]
Lolipop eating competition between thuthu & me 8D *see who finish faster
our yau yeng conducter- CELYN!*hearts* the model~~ haha
And finally, we reached AIA building at around 4.30..TT & its time to say byebye..last shots!:D
su. me. clarie
Me & yikmun
This is a video of us during competition in youtube..
video is so different from real life la.. we sound much much much better in real life :DD