I'm not a pro but just an amateur photographer who loves taking photos of people, things, and events that are happening around me. While I do respect some people who put watermarks on their photos (some even incredibly huge), I don't, as I think they can be a little bit distracting sometimes, especially to those who are IN the picture and want it original.
I personally am happy to see that my photos are being shared. In fact, I'm very glad that people like them, feel inspired by them and want to share them with their friends and followers. BUT it’s NEVER nice to see them without a credit. Worse still if someone save your picture, repost it, and when his/her friends comment on it saying "Nice picture!", "Great shot!" or "Amazing!", he/she happily replies "Thank you :)".
You're not welcome. How hard is it and how long does it take to simply type "Photo is taken by ____" or "Photo credited to ____" ?
Feeling guilty yet? Hahaha I know some of you don't mean it when you do that, but a little acknowledgements goes a long way and is much appreciated!
I'm pretty sure many of you share the same thoughts as I do.