Haha Its time to use the new word I learnt from Mr. Murugan (Kasturi English teacher) - lackadaisical
I just love the way this word sounds, it’s so fun. :P
Oh, and look at the blog tittle, look at how the little letters curve! so pretty XD
Lackadaisical. It seems like a word that would describe something very active and energetic, but in reality it’s the opposite o.o
Okay, so this is the thing. I do love holidays, as I get to go out with friends, watch movies, play games, bake cookies with my sister, etc. But there's this ONE thing that I really don't like about holidays, it makes me feel very unprogressive, stupid, useless, and yes, lackadaisical !
You know you have a ton of things to do and tons of undone homework to be done; yet you put things off. You know you have SPM next year and should be studying ;yet you find yourself watching anime, playing tetris battle, facebook-ing, blogging(look, even now!), shopping or even lying on the bed doing absolutely nothing!
Then? The stress builds and you start to have the negative self talk, "I should be doing something more..something useful..", "What am I going to do if I don't get it done?","What if I don't remember a thing that I'd learnt last year in school when school reopens?" Then tension builds up even more. The aftermath includes mentally beating yourself up, promising that you'll never do that again and will start all over tomorrow! But yet, you do it again.
UH t.t
Dear Holiday,
I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be putting the blame on you.
BUT, aaaaaaaa. -.-